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IB User Management and Reporting

This application provider wrapper over the interactive broker . It’s suitable for Investment management firm  or financial advisory .  It can be used to if you are looking for app for user to trade or you are running advisory firm and want to automate you present application with interactive broker


  • User creation and KYC with single api .
  • Pnl and Position reporting for users
  • Trade placement using rest api
  • All type of order supported and product
  • Trading for all markets across the globe

Technical Features

  • CI/CD enabled
  • Full Test coverage
  • Easy customization
  • Integration with Fix and tws api
  • Modular design facilitating robust and scalable order routing and trade management with multiple external entities

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What they said

We’re humbled to be working with such a great variety of clients that range from early stage startups to Fortune 500 companies.

We are optimists who love to work together

Let’s collaborate and make an impact with our cross-discipline approach to design and deveopment.

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