This can copy trade from TradingView to any stock broker. You can have other risk parameters to control your execution
- No Need to change in your strategy in trading view
- Read Alerts from browser and send those to any stock/future Broker
- Control your Risk with customized dashboard

Technical Features
- Trader Copier can be used copy trade from one broker to other broker with Low Latency .
- Same Trade can be copied to multiple broker
- Custom dashboard to control risk parameter when copying trade
- Can Read trade from Notepad /WebSocket /Telegram Channel/ Messaging Broker (ZeroMQ, Active MQ/Kafka)

Some more images
What they said
We’re humbled to be working with such a great variety of clients that range from early stage startups to Fortune 500 companies.
“Honored to work with Bhavishya! One of the best!”
John Huges
“Magnificent talent. Know-how of FIX is phenomenal. Great communication and especially cooperative whenever we needed extra help with concepts or comprehension. Especially enjoy his broad analytical mind and the comprehensive nature of the solutions or architecture decisions.”
DataSoft CTO
“Bhavishya Goyal delivered a great job for our auto-trading bot and I enjoyed working with him. His communication was on point, all deadlines were on time, and his skills were reasonably strong. He helped me find additional freelancers to support the work. It was a pleasure working with Bhavishya Goyal and have jobs for him in the future.”
Assit A Boss
“Was a great experience to work with Bhavishya! Very fast answers and support for everything, almost around the clock 🙂”
Manuel Drechsler
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